Ecommerce Marketing Tip: Using Your Personality to Build the Brand Like Fauna

using your brand personality for ecommerce marketing

As an animal lover, Nadia knew she wanted to do something different. Her love of fashion and the animal kingdom made her start a sustainable clothing brand of her own that could express it all through beautiful illustrations.  Inspired by her decision to follow through on her interests, we decided to chat with Nadia, the […]

Moonstruck’s Marketing Strategy to Survive Tough Competition

fashion brand marketing tips from moonstruck

The global pandemic had a massive effect on the 2020 e-commerce predictions for the fashion industry. While offline sales in this industry did notice a significant dent, the digital fashion market on the other hand, did not do as badly. It goes without saying that considerations for safety precautions including social distancing, among so many […]

Sustainable Brand Marketing: Tips From the Founder of ONEarth

ecommerce marketing strategies for sustainable brands

Sustainability and sustainable brands have become the talk of the town now! A report by YPulse shows that GenZ and Millennials are the most conscious generations with respect to environmental impact and sustainability. “More than four in five Gen Z and Millennials tell YPulse they worry about climate change, and the majority agree that’s up […]

Collaborations and Offline Events – Palette Bath’s Ecommerce Marketing Strategy

how to use offline events and collaborations for ecommerce marketing

Learn how to use collaborations and offline events as ecommerce marketing strategies. Founders of Palette Bath – Rutica Dey and Sahaan Suman believe in establishing the name for their brand through authenticity and good customer experience. What started as something random successfully became a fun, happy, and vibrant artisan skincare brand. Intrigued by their successful […]

Importance of Live Chat in Marketing – From the Founder of TextChat

using live chat for ecommerce marketing - textchat eric kades

Live chat has become the leading digital contact method for most online consumers. According to various surveys, a staggering 46% of customers prefer live chat compared to just 29% for email, and 16% for social media. But with the competition in the eCommerce domain increasing by the day, so are the expectations of consumers from […]

Online Pet Stores: How to Take Your Brand Online Like Paws Paws Miami

market research - paws paws miami on content kettle

As the world took to online shopping during the pandemic, the one industry that saw a steady increase in its growth, was the e-commerce pet supplies sector. About 47% of pet owners said they increased their pet supply online purchases. 30% of them said they spent more on this sector in 2020, as compared to […]